The good news is that the beloved Dior Saddle bag is back; the bad news is that it's becoming increasingly difficult to find authentic bags because they're among the most sought-after. I'm going to give you some pointers on how to distinguish an original Dior Saddle bag from a fake one so you may have a better understanding of the bag's characteristics and avoid being duped into buying one.
The bag's shape should be your initial consideration. You can tell the difference between the two bags—the fake and the actual one—if you examine them closely. The color, substance, and quality of the bags are the indicators you need to pay attention to in order to identify the fakes, as you can see in the photographs below. As I've said in every post, you will be able to tell the difference between an authentic bag and a counterfeit once you've become accustomed to it in all its features. Let's examine the images that are underneath.
As you are aware, Dior purses have a certain allure that has us all completely enamored. Here's another hint for confirming that the bag is real. You can get a better understanding of how the genuine thing differs from the imitation by looking at the photographs that are provided below. The first thing we notice about imitation charms is their color—the gold of CD Charms. It will be simple for you to distinguish the real charms from the fake if you closely examine the images below and concentrate on how the real ones seem.
One of the most crucial components of any anything, but particularly luxury products, is the stitching, which conveys a great deal about the item's genuineness. It would be difficult for you to grasp if I tried to explain the differences in stitching between a real and a fake bag in words, so I'm presenting these pictures to help. Examine the stitching in every area of the bag closely, and you'll be able to tell the real deal when you see it.
You are quite accustomed to the box and dust bag because I have discussed these features in all of the articles about identifying fakes. This section shouldn't be skipped because, should you discover an issue with it, you will be able to identify a phony bag right away. Take caution: occasionally, firms alter their packaging, so just because they differ from the images below doesn't always indicate that the product is counterfeit. All right, let's examine the pictures.
Regarding the authenticity card, the digits on it correspond to the style number of the bag you purchased. I provided a clearer explanation in the Lady Dior piece. Thus, if you are unsure about the card associated with your bag, check it out.
In order to better comprehend this section, I found it easier to take numerous images because the replica is so good that it's difficult to describe the differences in words and more difficult to determine if the product you wish to purchase is real or fake. In order to give you an idea and assist in identifying fakes, I shot pictures from every angle. To fully comprehend the details, you must view the images. These details include the form of the sides, the lettering, the Christian Dior insignia, the inside, the zipper, the leather, the stitching, and other elements. The Dior Saddle bag is incredibly exquisite, and there might be excellent imitations available, so pay close attention to the nuances.
The zipper is a very critical hint; it may reveal everything. As you can see from the photos below, some fakes are easily identified by their zippers, while some are similar enough to the real thing that you need to see the photograph in order to have a sense of how the real one looks and avoid being duped by the fakes. Thus, pay close attention to the Saddle Dior bag's zipper stitching, logo, and printing—all of which should be quite distinct and consistent—but the zipper's quality should speak for itself. More than my words, the photographs will assist you, and it will be even easier to identify the fake when you have the Saddle Dior in front of you. In the interim, enjoy the pictures below.
Like any luxury goods, every Dior product has a date code, which is crucial. You can find out the month and year that the Dior bag was made by looking at its date code. It consists of four numbers (00-XY-0000), two letters, and two numbers. The factory is indicated by the letters, and the production day, week, month, and year are shown by the numbers; however, these details can vary over time. The date code in the phony Dior saddle bags doesn't match the year or any other details.
Since the Saddle Dior bag comes in so many different models, colors, and leathers, it's hard to describe without experiencing it. However, some images of the Dior Saddle bag might be helpful.